Student Records - Privacy, Review, and Retention
All educational records maintained by Baylor University are confidential and all disclosures are governed by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). For more information regarding FERPA, please see the following link:
Students have the right to make a request of Baylor University to inspect and review their educational records and the University must comply with such requests within 45 days. Furthermore, students may also request that their educational records be released to a third party.
Links to forms regarding requests to review records or consent to have records disclosed can be found at:
Request to Review Academic Integrity Record
Consent to Disclose Academic Integrity Record
Records related to violations of the Honor Code are maintained by the Office of Academic Integrity and are retained indefinitely unless expunged in accordance with the expungement process.
Petition for Expungement
The Honor Code has a provision allowing for the petition to have records expunged; however, records that involve a suspension or expulsion may not be expunged. Students should refer to the Honor Code for specific guidelines regarding the petition for expungement of such records. The expungement of records is not a pardon and does not eliminate or modify in any way any sanction(s) that have been imposed in accordance with the Honor Code.
To obtain the current form for a Petition for Expungement, please send your request to
Modified 03/03/2022