Academic Integrity Philosophy, Mission, Outcomes and Goals
Philosophical Statement
The philosophy of the Office of Academic Integrity is to foster, within a distinctly Christian environment, a university culture of academic integrity. The ethical code by which students conduct their academic pursuits at Baylor will provide a basis for understanding the ethical codes that students will find in their future careers and personal lives. It is crucial, therefore, for Baylor to have clearly defined expectations regarding academic integrity, to communicate those expectations effectively to faculty and students, and to hold faculty and students accountable for conducting themselves in accordance with those rules.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Office of Academic Integrity is to foster learning and development and academic excellence for all students by promoting a university culture of academic integrity through educational programs, accountability for adherence to university academic integrity policies, and assistance for students and faculty in all processes related to academic integrity matters.
a. Teach ethical behavior through the development of integrity and character.
b. Expose students to the central tenets of the Christian faith, and encourage those who are already Christians to deepen their Christian faith.
c. Teach relational skills by exposing students to the principles of Christian love and be able to establish and enact personal and professional relationships based on these principles.
d. Foster intellectual competence by supplementing the curriculum with encouragement to focus on academic goals and encouraging the development of ethical knowledge for individual disciplines.
e. Foster leadership skills by inspiring students to lead lives marked by moral courage and the ability to influence others for good.
f. Encourage students to live an integrated life by promoting the health of mind, body, and spirit by making healthy lifestyle choices.
g. Encourage students to learn and incorporate a healthy perspective on life; that they know the value of living a life of hope; and to believe that their lives can make a difference through service to their local, national, and international communities.
a. The Office of Academic Integrity (OAI) will implement, disseminate, interpret and review annually its mission and goals to ensure that the academic integrity function operates as an integral part of the Baylor University mission.
b. The OAI will ensure that the Honor Code is disseminated, communicated, interpreted, enforced and reviewed annually.
c. The OAI will assist the Honor Council in following published policies to ensure that the process that is due each student is provided and the mission of Baylor University is also protected and upheld.
d. The OAI will respond accordingly to all referrals of alleged violations of the Honor Code in a fair, objective, and reasonable manner by following the published policies.
e. The OAI will encourage ownership for Baylor University's governance by partnering with faculty, staff, administration, and other university stakeholders to promote a shared responsibility for student success and to assist with interpreting and applying Baylor's Honor Code policies.
f. The OAI will expose students to the central tenets of the Christian faith by engaging students in conversations about integrity, academic goals, and strengths and calling.
g. The OAI will appoint students to the Academic Integrity Student Advisory Board and provide learning and developmental opportunities through specialized training for the students to serve effectively.
h. The OAI will provide learning and developmental opportunities through specialized training for students and faculty serving on the Honor Council to help them serve effectively.
i. The OAI will seek to prevent violations of the Honor Code by participating in proactive informative programs.
j. The OAI will maintain files on Honor Code violations and provide semester reports to the Baylor community.
k. The OAI will monitor the completion of sanctions set by the provost or president for Honor Code violations.