Students and Academic Integrity
Students at Baylor University should be familiar with the mission of the university, the general expectations for Baylor students, the Honor Code, and other university policies and procedures. Students are also encouraged to consider these suggestions:
- Review each class syllabus for expectations your professor may have regarding course work and class attendance that go beyond those stated in university policies, guidelines, and the Honor Code.
- Be familiar with the importance of academic integrity in class. Understand how citation shows respect for other scholars.
- Talk with your professor if you are confused about citation practices or other research standards.
- Make sure you understand not only what counts as plagiarism and cheating but also how to avoid engaging in these practices. For more help on this topic go to Plagiarism Resources. Manage your time, take notes correctly, and use the Internet appropriately.
- Make sure that you understand your professor's guidelines about collaborating with peers, citing sources, using notes or exams from previous classes, and accessing information during an examination. If in doubt, ASK YOUR PROFESSOR!
- Students should understand that offering for course credit as one's own work, in whole or in part, the work of another, including an AI system, is not permitted under Baylor’s Honor Code.
- Understand that penalties can result from dishonest conduct, ranging from failure of the assignment to immediate expulsion from the university.
Please Refer To The Honor Code For Examples Of Dishonorable Conduct (Violations Of The Honor Code).