Linda Cates
Director, Office of Academic Integrity
Implementing an On-line Academic Integrity Tutorial. Also co-presented with Bethany McCraw, Associate Dean for Student Conduct Administration, a session titled Changing a System to Change a Culture which focused on the benefit of forming key partnerships to take the message of academic integrity to the campus. ASCA Texas Drive-In Conference, September 2013.
Creating and Implementing an Online Academic Integrity Tutorial, International Center for Academic Integrity (ICAI) Annual Conference, February 2013. Co-presented with Sinda Vanderpool, Assistant Vice Provost for Academic Enrollment Management
The Honor Code and Academic Integrity at Baylor University, School of Social Work Class for Incoming Advanced Standing MSW Students, Baylor University, July 7, 2011
What Faculty Members Need to Know about the Office of Academic Integrity, Religion Department Faculty Orientation, Baylor University, August 18, 2011
The Honor Code and Academic Integrity at Baylor University, Dr. Julie Ivey-Hatz's Educational Psychology Graduate Students, Baylor University, September 1, 2011
Academic Integrity Update, School of Engineering and Computer Science Faculty, Baylor University, October 28, 2011
Strategic Partnerships in Creating a Culture of Academic Integrity, ASCA Annual Conference, February 2012. Co-presented with Bethany McCraw